العلامة التجارية | TACT OILS |
السعة | 30 مل |
مادة المنتج | زيت |
بلد الصنع | سوريا |
:Composition Ginsenosides, panacene, panax acids :Properties Appetizer and increases the motor and mental energy It strengthens immunity and reduces the feeling of fatigue General tonic to treat impotence and improve blood circulation Stimulates hair growth at its roots :Usage Internal: 1 tablespoon per day Outside: massage it into the scalp and stay for 3 hours, then wash. Repeat the process 3 times a week :Side effects Not in case of adherence to the dose and method of use :Warnings Not given to patients who take sexual stimulants Large quantities may be toxic Please perform an allergy test before use by applying a small amount to the surface of the palm. In the event of redness or irritation, it should not be used :Preservation Store in a cool dry place, out of reach of children
الكلمات زيت زيوت الجنسينغ جنسينغ tact تاكت